Fresh Milk+Technology
We’re Surrounded By Whey
Since cheese was first made-some seven to ten thousand years ago according to the archaeological record-whey has been a by-product. The nutrient- and calorie-rich curds are the natural focus of the process, but with 90 percent of milk consisting of whey, cheesemakers have always sought ways to use the liquid.
Early Wisconsin cheesemakers would leave the leftover whey in tubs outside their factories for dairy farmers to take home. Some drank the whey, but far more whey remained than could be consumed before it spoiled. On hot, dry days, some farmers poured whey over the dirt roads to prevent dust from dirtying and irritating carriage passengers and horses. Most commonly, farmers and cheesemakers fed leftover whey to pigs.

Sustainable Innovation
As Wisconsin produced more cheese, Wisconsin produced more whey. People began noticing the hazards whey posed to the environment-the acidic liquid proved deadly to fish and other organisms when it was dumped in or around waterways. Environmental regulations soon greatly restricted how excess whey could be disposed of, and cheesemakers were left with a big problem on their hands.
With an innovative spirit and desire to be on the cutting edge of the industry, Stanley Meister took the biggest risk of his career in 1980. After considerable study, he pledged everything to build a processing plant to refine and dry whey protein concentrate and lactose. A strong partnership with neighboring cheesemakers, and a loan from the Carter administration’s pollution-control program, allowed the Meister family to open Muscoda Protein Products.
A Global Solution
Today, Muscoda Protein Products is one of America’s most trusted and innovative manufacturers of food grade, whey-derived protein and lactose. Leading manufacturers from around the world rely on our commitment to quality and dependability.